Powdersville Self Storage is teaming up with locals outside of Montego Bay, Jamaica, in a rural town called Pumpkin Bottom, to help school children. While traveling in this area, and talking with some of the town folk, we discovered that there was a desperate need to help provide school supplies for some local children, as well as providing an individual to teach them.
In this rural and remote area, children attend school outside, on the ground – literally on the ground. There is no building to provide a school for the children. The ages of the children range from first grade through fifth. Most of them have never had the opportunity to attend school. A nearby hotel is furnishing blankets and towels so that the children will have a comfortable spot to sit while being schooled.
Powdersville Self Storage is currently sponsoring nine (9) children in this rural area, along with paying a young man to serve as the children’s school instructor. We are wanting to be able to furnish school supplies for 16 more children.
We need help! We need school instructional materials specifically targeted for preschool through fifth grade, preferably in DVD or CD format, as this will be easy and quick to ship to Jamaica. If you would like to make a monetary donation, please make donations out to Pop’s Pantry. Your donation is tax deductible, and will be used to purchase the needed school curriculum.
We thank you in advance for your generosity as you help us give these children a chance to learn and grow and become what God would have them to be.